Minggu, 09 Desember 2012


Actually.. When i see at the other my blog of my friends, a lot of them writes about the Biography of SuJu, Agnes Monica, Albert Einstein, WR Supratman, and the others Iam different with them. I’m more interest and exited when I write a Biography about this person...
He is someone who very important in my life, He is patient, honest, and kind person. He became an entertainer when I sad and the great motivator when I am getting down,,

Yeah... He is my FATHER... The person whom I loved... J

And in Surabaya his story began..

January 31th  my father was born in Surabaya named Slamet Rijadi, He grew up in modest family. His father work as the mechanic in a house or the modern name called “kuli”. But even my father lived in this situation, his family teach to him about value of responsibility, how to respect others, and they believed nothing succes without hard work. My father’s parents had been 4 children, and my father is the first. So he have big responsibility in his family. He has 3 sisters, they are Sri Marsih, Marlina Sari, and Istiq Naini.

1.When he was young in Elementary school
When he was in elementary school (SDN Petemon XII Surabaya), he didn’t smart student but he likes play a music. Maybe i can said play a music is his talent since he birth, that’s why he honed his talent with played guitar. Everyday after school he played his guitar and played many music, no teacher, no course. Yeah he played with try and error, with hard study eventually he became a reliable guitar player.
Besides of that my father very likes to plays with his sister. Play everything, examples petak umpet, gobak sodor, cublak-cublak suweng, and many more. They are so harmonious. J
Owh... i’m forget to tell about funny story (xixixi), when my father young he had bad experience. When he was playing with his sisters in the kitchen, he run and run looks so exited. But when he lost his control, his ass (uppss sorry :D) fell into a pot of hot vegetable. Uhhh -_- so pity... Consequently he was taken to the hospital and treated there.
Cause of that experience my father never forget that and always tell this story to their children. And i’m laughing as loud as i can (hahahaha XD).

2.When he in Senior High School
Can be said when my father in Senior High school, Hang Tuah is a time when he maximum to actuallize his talent. He joined the school band, and he is the multitalent students. He could operated all of the instrument well, examples guitar, drum, bass, and he has beautifull voice. Cause of his talent, my father has many friends. They like interact with my father cause he is the sociable person.
When he was in senior high school, at the first he felt in love with someone that became my mother until now, So Sweet :D . Story love both of them got a problem, his parents isn’t agree if my father did relation with my mother. But my father stance in his believed, if my mother would became the right people for him. One day when my mother couldn’t pay the school fee, my father worked to pay it. Their relation like symbiotic mutualism, they felt enjoy and comfort with their relation. It still happen untill my father graduate from his school.

3.After Graduate from a School
After graduate from his school, he worked in Sanbe Farma, a drug company. But it’s not too long, he quit from his job and he work as electronic service until now. All of skill that my parents have is from autodidact. In the middle of his career, he got married with RR Sofiana, his first love that became my mom. Of this marriage they have 4 children, they are Fandi Bagus Prasetyo, Fanda Puspita Sari (me J), Azzah Safarah, and Satria Ramadhan.  We are happy family, and we hope it still happen until the end of our live. And one thing that i always remember from my father said “YOU WILL BE SUCCES PERSON IF YOU HAVE GOOD SKILL, GOOD MORAL, AND ALSO USEFULL FOR THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU”
And you know?? I will absolutely remember that ^_^

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